*On such assumptions, the community of 333.Builders was born, with the goal of becoming the main Italian ecosystem and innovation vehicle for web3-related and blockchain-powered projects.
As of today, 333.Builders is the first Italian community of professionals in the web3 ecosystem, whose mission is to accelerate the adoption pace of blockchain technology on a national scale first, and towards a global perspective in a second moment.
We are planning to do so by building a self-sufficient ecosystem for the development, acceleration and funding of web3 solutions, in which professionals, innovative startups, enterprises and investors take part.
In 333.Builders everyone can find partners, co-founders, consultancy, finances and valuable feedback. Thus, on top of a decentralized community, projects are born, supported, undertake a due-diligence process and are finally funded.*
1. Vision
2. Mission
4. Strategy
5. Roadmap
6. Working on
7. Identity
8. Culture
9. Values
<aside> 💡 We are Blockchain Enthusiast, same as you.
Education, Collaboration and Meritocracy are our core values: sharing competencies, ideas and resources are the keys to build the world we are envisioning.