*333 offers deeds for its builders to undertake. Such activities might consist in research tasks, managing online events and social media, producing a report, and much more. Ideally, a builder starts collaborating out of passion, focusing on his interests and his individual goals, so that, instead of performing such activity on its own, it does it within the community, as a DAO Contributor, and gets rewarded for it.

Generally, once the collaboration starts, builders undertake an internship 3-months long, after which they can continue to contribute being part of the Core-Team.

Activities guarantee 500XP/month and are the fastest way to increase your Role Level and subsequently acquire more voting power within the DAO. Once you've identified the activity that interests you, or you’d like to propose a new one, s**ubmit your application here.***

Can’t wait to have you with us 🧑‍🚀 Happy building! 🔥

Open Activities (DB)
